Advanced Memphis Locksmith

Car Ignition Lock

Car Ignition Lock and Ignition Switch Services

Car Ignition problems sometimes doesn’t come with warns; your car will stop on the road or in an unknown location. Instead of calling for car towing services to bring you to our work workshop we will come to you any day or night. If you’re facing any car ignition lock problems, call us as we are ignition lock and key experts and will go the extra mile for our customers. You can always perform DIY troubleshooting but be warned that if you could mess things further. You could also choose to take it to a car dealership, but they will always remember they will always want to milk you out of cash and take advantage of your situation.

Car Ignition lock services

Ignition switch Vs. ignition Lock cylinder

The standard car ignition system consists of two main parts; Ignition lock cylinder and ignition switch. Ignition lock cylinder is the mechanical part where you insert your car key in and then turn, and the ignition switch is the electronic part that is switched on internally by the lock cylinder. Both parts are susceptible to be faulty so you won’t able to turn your car key on or it turns but the car won’t to start. If you have a problem with any of that parts call us and ask for our mobile locksmith services. 


If your car key won’t turn in the ignition lock, there are only three categories of issues you could witness with your car ignition. Regardless of what happens, we will solve them as below. 

  1. Your car key is worn out so the key cuts are not accurate to adjust the tumblers.
  2. Your ignition lock is locked or jammed because of  worn out tumblers.  
  3. Your steering lock mechanism is faulty.

If your ignition lock is non repairable, you will end up with ignition lock replacement solution. If you lose your key, you can always rush to us for a replacement. We will replace it by vin and get it coded to match the old key and create the exact key for your car.

We also stock and replace key ignition for many car brands; Toyota, Lexus, Honda, Acura, Chevrolet, GMC, Ford, Chrysler, Jeep, dodge, Hyundai and Kia.

Sometimes you lose your key and fear that it may land in the wrong hand, possibly thieves. If this is the case, we will rekey your ignition and your car doors to render the previous keys useless.

We will also rebuild your ignition or put in an entirely new one. We then match your existing key so you won’t have to use separate keys for ignition, doors, and trunk.

What To Do If Your Car Key Broke Off In your car Ignition?

Broken Ignition Key removal

Broken ignition key removal

When you experience any of these problems, do not try to force things, as this will only escalate issues further. Call on us, get a quote, and you will get sorted out within no time. Here we provide various car ignition lock switch services. First, we diagnose the problem and see how far it goes. Depending on our findings, we recommend a suitable course of action. For minor problems like dead batteries, we will advise you on what to do. However, if your problem demands a permanent solution, we will give you a quote before doing what we do best.

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