Advanced Memphis Locksmith

Key Fob Replacement

How you ever wondered what would happen if you lost your only key fob? Or it gets crushed under some weights, and it won’t function anymore? You would probably head straight away to your local dealer or locksmith for a key fob replacement. If your dealer/locksmith is not sure of what they are doing, you could end up with more frustrations.

car Key fob replacement locksmith

Avoid these hassles and call us at 901-602-2001. We are a mobile key fob locksmith in Memphis TN, with tremendous experience, investment, and commitment to get you back in the driving seat as soon as you want it. We have the local resources for replacing and programming various keys fobs and remotes that operate your lighting, ignition lock, and car switch systems. With us, you and your care are in the safest hands in the industry. Our team of experts has the right training to handle different key fobs, from the vintage to the latest models. 

Key Fob Casing Replacement

You can also come to us if you are tired of your old worn-out buttons and cracked plastic casing on your remote control. We stock most type of shell replacement and will give you the exact one for your car.

Car Key Fob Repair

Here we understand how much you need your car to get going. So, we will fix your key fob as you wait. We will not tell you to come after a while only to find technicians on a lunch break! Before we give you your new key and remote, our experts will do a few tests before and after repair to assure you of the quality. 

key Fob Battery Replacement

Key fobs operate in batteries, and when the cells die, you will not access or even start your car. We are here to help you with this. Come to us if you need batteries to power up your keyless entry remote or key fob. We also do the installation at market-friendly prices.

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