Immobilizer Programming
Car Key Immobilizer Reprogramming
Some cars immobilizer system may fail at the sudden to recognize the registered key to let the engine to start due to key loosing its programming. In few cases, car key immobilizer reprogramming will help to solve the problem and sometimes it happens to IMMO or ECU faulty you will need your car key to be reprogrammed to recognize and communicate with used or new components. You will find a car losing its programming following a battery boost or complete discharge in some cases. Or the programs may fail to work to any other technical issues like when replacing a component. If you find yourself in such a situation, call our specialists for an instant long term-solution.
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With Immobilizer/ECU programming, we do not just rush into the final part. We try to understand the problem first before thinking of the probable solution. We will carry out a diagnostic on your car systems to discover why your car is failing. Depending on the problem, we can use the following approach:
Immobilizer ECU Decoding
Sometimes, your immobilizer system fails and won’t run on a sound immobilizer module. Here we will decode the immobilizer ECU and make it free running. That way, the engine can start without the Engine Control Unit (ECU) receiving signals from the immobilizer.
Immobilizer and Key programming
Your car may develop issues with the immobilizer and key due to a failure in the core management system. When this happens, you might have problems with accessing and starting the car. We have experienced programmers who use our state-of-the-art equipment to help resolve such issues and align your immobilizers with your car key systems. We also look for faulty wiring channels, ECUs, sensors, and any other problems associated with your car immobilizer.
A car immobilizer may fail due to the following reasons:
- When your key fobs have lost their coding
- When you have faulty sensors or actuators or
- Due to corrupted ECU’s
Whatever the case, we will find it resolve when you will not have any interference with your schedule.